Tricia x The Giving Keys #Let Go

Tricia x The Giving Keys #Let Go

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

I purchased this key in March of 2018 because I needed to let go of the pain and suffering my family was causing me. I needed to remember holding on to something that hurts you only prolongs your suffering. Today I am mailing it off to be gifted forward to a dear friend of mine. She and her long term boyfriend just parted ways and now it is her turn to remember to let go.

Let go of the pain and suffering. Let go of the hurt. Let go of the bad memories and the heart ache. I hope this key may give her some solace in knowing she is not alone in this fight... and that letting go is sometimes easier and less painful. I hope if gives her as much strength as it did me during my time of need. For this reason i am gifting it forward as it was meant to be.


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