We All Must Dream

When I got my Dream Giving Key necklace, I immediately thought of Jeff. Jeff is an amazing photographer who has fallen on hard times. He had the opportunity to live in Japan for several years. As a Japanese American this was a real coming home. He wanted to stay forever. But now everything appears to have fallen apart. He is back in Los Angeles where he was born and where he grew up.

His dream was to get back to Japan. Now his dream is just to afford to live. He has a heart condition and a minimum wage job. I have been helping him out by letting him stay in my house for free. He is growing ashamed. He needs a second job so that he can afford to rent a small room. 

I gave Jeff my Giving Keys necklace because I don't want him to stop dreaming. Even though he is in his fifties now and life feels particularly bleak, he must still dream. Now I know how true it is that any of us can become homeless. We all must dream for each other's well-being.


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