Without Hope, We Have Nothing

I divorced my emotionally abusive husband while I was a stay-at-home mother of two girls. He wouldn't let me work, so when I asked him to leave, I was destitute. I just knew the situation would never get better staying with him. Brick by brick I rebuilt myself. My girls were young enough to not know how desperate things were, or how close we were to having to live in a shelter. A really good friend that I made by helping her out while she was locked out of her car gave me the Hope Giving Key. She was also a single mother and we made fast friends. We both have abusive exes and absentee fathers to deal with. We both have no family other than our children, and we both were struggling.
Some days are better; some aren't so good. But I once read, "without hope, we have nothing." I held on to that Hope. Her gift was special to me at the time, I had a series of more unfortunate events, and I was feeling very defeated. The Hope Giving Key helped me at times to remember to keep a positive outlook, no matter what.


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