You Will See The Warrior

Back in April I received my custom Warrior key. As a christian singer/songwriter, when I started working on my 2nd album at the start of this year, I really felt that it should be entitled 'warrior'. I felt God was wanting to take me on a journey to teach me what it means to truly be a warrior. Something deeper than what most people perceive a warrior to be simply from there surface.

It's been a beautiful journey and last week I gave my necklace away. To be honest I wasn't looking to give it away just yet, but I felt so prompted by the Lord in a very specific way. I passed it on to a young single mother who is literally going through the fight of her life. I cannot share all the details but I so clearly heard the Lord tell me her name. When I gave it to her I said, "I only know some of the things you are facing, but God knows every detail and he knows every part of you. I believe He wants me to give you this warrior necklace as reminder of where you are headed. I know it seems beyond your ability to press on now, but what you're going through now is not for now but for the future. Let this necklace remind you of what you already are inside, and by the time you are ready to give it away, you will see the warrior I'm seeing now when you look in the mirror."


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