Finding Strength in New Friends

I began my third semester of nursing school this summer and I met some truly amazing people during this experience. The more time we spent together, the more I could tell we were meant to become friends. One of my new friends, Alison, is such a kind person and always willing to do whatever she can to help anyone who needs it. I don’t know if Alison knows it, but I respect and admire her very much.

I had been wearing my STRENGTH key for a while when I was going through a difficult time in my own life, and as I got to know Alison better, I realized she was the person I was supposed to give my key to. She opened up to me about her life and about some struggles she was going through. I knew then that a few weeks later on her birthday, I was going to give her my STRENGTH key, along with some of my own strength from wearing it. 

Alison is one of the strongest women I know. I know that I can count on her if I need help, advice, or just someone to talk to. When I gave her the key, I could see how much it meant to her that I was giving her something so personal and with so much meaning behind it. I hope that when Alison looks at the key, she remembers what a strong woman she is and that if needs a little extra strength, she doesn’t have to look far.

Happy Birthday Alison, I love you :) 



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