Thy Nguyen x The Giving Keys #WordOfTheYear

Thy Nguyen x The Giving Keys #WordOfTheYear

What word is on your key for 2023? What does it mean for you to carry this word with you into the new year?

HOPE. In my life, the word HOPE means that things will get better and that for every moment that gets you down, it just means that something better will come your way in the future. 2022 was a rough year for me and I have hope that things will get much better this year and that everything happens for a reason! Looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

In what ways will you be incorporating more CONNECTION in 2023?

I will be incorporating more CONNECTION in 2023 by building my relationships with people I have met. I want to spend more time on making more meaningful connections and maintaining those relationships instead of creating tons of new, meaningless relationships. I want to be more intentional with the relationships I have already established and meet the right people that add value to my life.

Why do you think human connection is so important in the world today?

Human connection is important in the world because everyone is so engulfed in social media that they forget how to act in real life and treat people kindly because they're always hiding behind a screen. Human connection and real interactions make people feel less alone, more loved, and can snap you back to reality when you're feeling too discouraged from the online world.

Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on.

I plan to pass one of the keys along to a friend who is struggling in life and I want to remind her that she is loved and that she'll make it through and come out the other side happier and more successful than ever!

Bio: Thy Nguyen is a Los Angeles fashion blogger.

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