Within Myself

I had not heard of this until just weeks ago. I was in the hospital again for what feels like the millionth time just this year when my mom brought me a tiny package.

As I opened it, I was confused. A key? What is this? It was inscribed with "Faith" on it. Why? What does this have to do with anything. As I read the note I started to cry. A friend's mother bought it for me to keep the faith, to fight, and to never give up.

I have a condition called Cystic Fibrosis. It's a genetic lung and Gi disease and lately it has given me a run for my money. I'm in my twenties and have lost any sort of 'twenty something life' that I could think of doing. I've been in and out of the hospital.. I'm frustrated, annoyed, and have wanted to just scream lately. My breathing has dropped, my weight has dropped, I have lost so many friendships; I have felt defeated.

Reading what was behind this key has just made me feel so humble. I have felt such fight within myself - I can't even put it into words the emotions associated with this little key have given.

Just last week, I bought a Giving Key to pass on to my friend Lauren. She too has Cystic Fibrosis, and was in Pittsburg being evaluated for a lung and liver transplant. I bought her a key of 'Courage.' She messaged yesterday on how she opened it up and right off the bat was in tears.

She was like me and didn't understand at first, until she put it on. The energy that it gives off did it for her. She didn't feel alone, she had the want in the fight to keep going. We can't explain how thankful we are for this.

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