Losing a Mother

I received my key in my FabFitFun winter box. I have never heard of the company, and immediately my 5 year old was like, "it's mine!"

The key had "Strength" written on it, and my husband looked at me and named a dear friend. Her mother has been battling cancer for 9 years. She had breast cancer and went in for a scan. They were only to scan from the chest down, but the technician scanned her whole body for some reason that day and they found inoperable brain cancer.

She has known for about 5 years that the day would come when she would have to say goodbye. December 15th was that day. I received my key the day of her wake, and that is why I decided to give it to her best friend and only daughter to help her though the tough days. I know the key won't bring her mother back, but hopefully it will help her make it through!



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