Grateful For The Time We Had

Two weeks ago my mother passed away. I had been given the great gift of having a wonderful, amazing, supportive, rock star mom and I didn't hesitate to send her off wearing my 'Grace' key. She had a really tough childhood and rocky adult life, but she was always smiling, always willing to help or to comfort or to just listen. Her favorite thing to do was to help people. She had so many battles over the years...Leukemia which went into remission, then two knee replacements, then breast cancer and then the return of leukemia for which she received a successful bone marrow transplant. Even though she was declared cancer free the day before she died, she passed from pneumonia. Through all of this she struggled with being positive, facing death several times and trying to still be the best mom ever. I had wanted to give her my key earlier, but due to her condition she couldn't wear jewelry. I wanted to remind her of the grace with which she lived her life and the grace that is always with her. We had high hopes for her return home, but those were not to be. I wish I had more time with her, but I am grateful for the time we did have.

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