She Is Fearless

My girlfriend and I have been together since the summer following our freshman year of high school. We celebrated our three year anniversary on June 26th. Now, we are both heading off to college in a few months, and we will face many challenges that will test every fiber of our being. She constantly reminds me that she fears those very challenges, and how it will effect us as a couple. As a token of my love for her, I ordered her these keys.

Fearless: to constantly remind her to be fearless in everything that she does, to conquer any adversities she may face, to give her the courage to step out of her comfort zone and experience all that life as to offer, to tell her that I believe that she truly is fearless no matter how much she may doubt it, and lastly, to express her love for Taylor Swift.

Faith: to remind her always to have faith that everything will be okay, to tell her to trust and have faith in us always, to act as a reminder that I will always be faithful and loyal to her, to pull her up when she is down, because the smallest amount of faith can work miracles, and lastly, to show my love for her.

I love you, Isabella. Always and forever.

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