One More Day

I had never heard of The Giving Keys until I saw a post on Instagram some time ago. I received a key in a monthly subscription box some time after that. After stalking Instagram and this website, I fell in love with the message and mission. I have worn or carried this key with me on days when I needed it. Strength felt like the perfect thing some days when missing my Dad who passed or just making difficult decisions. I also knew that at some point I would be struck with the need to pass it along to someone who needed it more. And it happened. A very close friend of mine has been through a very tough year. Losing a parent, finding out her remaining parent has cancer, and doing this while separated from her husband and taking care of her twins. A few weeks ago, we had a girls night and standing in the parking lot she shared with me news of a possible divorce. I could feel the pain in her eyes, and understood at that moment that this is a person who needs strength. Strength to let go, to move on, to make choices. I wanted to present this little pretty key to her then and there, but it was her moment to grieve out loud and I didn't want to take that away from her. So I came home, found the card and bag the key came in and I wrote her a letter. It is my hope that this small gesture will help my friend through a difficult time. I want her to know that her feelings have been recognized and that I am in her corner, pushing her up when she starts to fall believing in her and empowering her to draw on strength to make it through. I am a firm believer in what you give you get. I believe in nourishing your heart with gratitude and love and that helping others helps yourself. So thank you for the wonderful message that The Giving Keys send, and for the perfect little key that may just help my friend to get through one more day and feel ok!!

  • Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

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    Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

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