Believe In Change

BELIEVE. Raised as an atheist, I was taught to Believe in myself- that I was the master of my destiny. I made things "happen"- and I lived that way until I saw myself 25yrs old and in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. From the outside I was a high achiever. I graduated college with honors, travelled the world and pursued my passions as a dancer turned pre-med major in school. On the inside, there was an ever growing emptiness and unrest in my soul. After graduating college and living in NYC for 7 years, I began spiraling out of control, losing hope at an exponential rate. Belief in myself became dismal, while misery and depression engulfed my spirit. I flew home to Atlanta for my 25th birthday thinking that my parents planned a surprise party for me. Upon opening the door I saw an intervention specialists and a group of family members asking me to go to treatment. In that moment, God gave me a willingness to pause. That surrender 4 years ago has brought me to a place of peace and joy that I never imagined possible. Fast forward to October 2011, I was saved and began my spiritual journey. Later on in October 2013, I was accepted into Teach for America and began another life altering journey fighting against social injustice in the education system. During that transitional period up to spring of 2014 I purchased the BELIEVE key at a local shop in Palmetto, Ga. At every turn I was faced with "Believe that God is everything or He is nothing". My testimony proves his love changes souls and transforms minds; however, I frequently became consumed with anxiety and needed a tangible reminder. As I studied for certification tests, interviewed for jobs, traveled back and forth to NYC and awaited the outcome of His plan for my life- I frequently looked down at my key, paused, prayed and said thank you. Thank you for your belief in me, for transforming my spirit and making me a warrior of love. God is always with me and this key brought me through some incredible transitions. Upon moving back to NYC 6 weeks ago, a place which brought me to my knees 4 years prior, my boyfriend Michael helped me get settled every step of the way. He's currently pursuing a calling to ministry and we've prayed for his leadership and influence, so it only seemed right to pass along the key to him. My prayer along with the key was that Michael would strive to seek Gods plan and purpose for his life. That his belief in God would be visible through his actions and devotions. Michael wears the key daily and I hope he finds it to be a steady reminder of Gods presence. I've now just ordered a new custom key, PERSEVERE, because teaching in the NYC public schools has proved to be very difficult over the past 5 weeks this summer and I'll need a reminder to remain a strong, dedicated and obedient warrior of love over the next leg of this journey.

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