My name is Beatrice and I live in Ontario, Canada. I’m 21 years old and I’m currently a student at Brock University. On March 24th 2014, I was diagnosing with Multiple Sclerosis; more commonly known as MS. I heard about the Giving Keys from a friend. I later went home and researched about the organization and I cannot tell you how excited I got because of the amazing things you guys are doing.
I decided to purchase a key that says “Courage” because I feel like in this time of my life courage is something I need. I am young. To get a diagnosis like that at such a young age (20) while I’m still in school with the possibility of paralysis, rattled my world. I grew up in a Christian home and therefore, I believe in God and healing. I know there is a reason for everything and I also know there is no reason to worry about this diagnoses or my future. While these keys are not magic, it was a great reminder to wear my necklace everyday and remind myself that I’m courageous and that there is nothing stopping me from doing everything I want in life.
Now there is A LOT to this story but this is just the short version so that you don’t have to read a novel haha. However, on December 3rd I passed on my key after I finally had the courage to share my diagnoses with some friends after being diagnosed 10 months ago. I passed on the key to a friend that is going into surgery on December 15th. I felt like the key helped me take the first step of courage and it was time to pass it on to someone that is in need of that reminder. Thank you for starting this organization. Thank you for helping people transitioning out of homelessness as well as myself and many others who need these daily reminders that the keys hold. I have now been given another key with the word “Purpose” engraved and I cannot wait to see what comes next for me and my future!