Someone Needed It

Two months ago my mom gave me the key bangle which read "breathe." I suffer from anxiety and OCD, and was going through a rough period of time. She gave me the keys as a reminder to breathe and stay strong, which she always told me to do. I wore it everyday, only taking it off to sleep. I am a sophomore in college and during tests or when I was stressed would rub the key when I needed a reminder. Today I was at the mall with my family when I realized the key had fallen off and was somewhere in the mall. I am absolutely devastated, but the purpose of the key is to give them to someone who needs it more than you. Apparently someone needed the reminder to breathe today, and this was the way of giving away my key. I wish I could have given it to someone instead of it falling off, but someone needed it. While I feel as if I still needed the reminder, I am happy to have been able to pass along the message. I am thankful for the time I had with my key.

I wish I had a picture, but it didn't photograph well.
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