She Needed Strength

I received this key bracelet for my birthday back in October 2014 and no clue what it was all about until I researched and read the message! I have a neighbor and friend whom we run in similar circles with. She and her family have been very well known in the community because of their restaurant they had for many many years. Maureen is extremely close to her family, especially her mother-- they are best friends! I've never seen a family so close knit before. Her mom passed away unexpectedly and quickly; it was quite heartbreaking for all, right before the holidays. It was quite an adjustment for her family and we all kept praying for strength and peace. She needed strength and that's what my key said... I didn't give it to her until now and it's been a few months since her moms passing, but there's more... watching her grieve and share how much her mother meant not only to her but to many opened my eyes to my own mother and how I need to cherish her more; she could be gone tomorrow! I'm thankful to Maureen for being so transparent with her relationship she had with her mom... I know make more of an effort to show my mom what a blessing she is to me and others!
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