One Love

I have bought and given away at least 7 so far. The last two are my favorites. I was at Starbucks and noticed the name of the young girl helping me - Andrew. I asked if that was her real name and she said "Yes." She started to explain that it was a long story and me, being me, just asked "are you transgender?" and she simply replied "yes." I then apologized for being rude and she said "no - I love that you get it." We continued to have a lovely conversation regarding life in general. I was wearing my "Inspire" key and forgot. As I was leaving, it serendipitously banged on my cart (the Starbucks was inside Target). I promptly turned around, took off my necklace and gave it to Andrew and explained about the key. She was teary and we hugged. Fast forward to today. I was in Nordstrom and wanted to buy more Giving Keys. There was one left - Hope. I bought it. I told the sales lady about how lovely my last experience was and she stated "we are coming a long ways." I did not know Alexis was transgender too. I told her to keep the necklace and wear it as the Hope they have had is coming working. She too got teary. She has been with her partner, who is also transgender, for a year and they are planning on marrying and having children. I am a straight, almost 51 year old wife/mother. I adore your company and the message behind it. I called Nordstrom to tell them "thank you" for being so open with their hiring policies and also that they need to place another order for The Giving Keys.
  • Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    I have Received a Giving Key With the word STRENGTH My Story I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in January of 2018. Living with this mass on the...

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  • Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

    Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

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