Love Has No Boundaries
Love. After six months away at boarding school I finally came back to the reality that is my home. As a high school student I had never experienced life away from home and let me tell you, it was amazing. There were new people and new stories that paled in comparison to what I had grown up with in America. My life had finally come together and for the first time I was happy where I was. I had made friends that were like family to me but soon after making these strong connections I was torn away and had to move back home which was over 5,000 miles away. It was if the one thing I truly loved was taken out of my hands and locked away. Until a few days ago I was back home with no close friends in a state of depression, it seemed no love existed in this world. I got this key from my mom and it helped me come to this conclusion. Love has no boundaries, it cannot be locked away, and it will never run out. Love does exist in all places you just have to look for the ones who have the key to unlock it.