Grateful, this is the key I bought for my dear friend Lindsey. In 2008 I went into sudden kidney failure. Doctors had know idea why. I had been a relatively healthy person up to that point. I was happily married and our daughter had just turned 3. I was eventually transferred to a larger medical center. There I was diagnosed with an ultra rare blood disease called atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (Ahus). Very little was known about the disease but one thing doctors knew was I had about a 20% chance of living and if I did, I would be on dialysis for the rest of my life. This was information I wasn't willing to hear. I had a daughter and I WAS going to live and not on dialysis forever. My husband and I began traveling the country trying to find answers. Could I ever get a transplant was the main question. For 3 years, the answer was no. But finally a friend told me about the university of Iowa hospitals and clinics. And there just happened to be a medical team there who specialized in Ahus! We met with them and I passed all of the pre kidney tests for transplant. The major problem was I needed a living, non related donor. Because my disease is genetic....and I have a gene for it. So my family members mom! dad and brother were all ruled out..even though my brother was an awesome match. Both of my parents were too!
Throughout my whole process of kidney failure I kept an online blog so friends and family could stay posted. Once the word got out that I needed a living, non related donor, it wasn't long before I got a private message on Facebook. It was from Lindsey! She said she had been following my blog, had prayed and knew she was a match and wanted to donate a kidney to me!
I was speechless! And it's still hard to describe the feeling....she knew me from our hometown. We worked together one summer in a flower shop when we were younger. That's how well we knew each other. But she was willing to get tested and give me a kidney. So long story short, she was a match!!!! The transplant was a success and I'm almost 4 years post transplant.
So when I saw the keys....especially the grateful key, I knew it was for Lindsey. Now I'll give this to Lindsey but she won't keep it long. She will pass it on to the next person soon because that's the kinda girl she is. She's thoughtful, kind, generous and a good Christian woman! I love her so much and am truly grateful. She saved my life and gave me a second chance at a normal life.
I am eternally grateful to her!