My name is Janette. As soon as I received my key necklace, I knew right away who to pass it forward to -- a co-worker who will lose her job in mid-June. She has been crying on and off, even during working hours, because she is afraid. She is afraid that without a job, how is a single mom of three going to support her children, maintain a household, and pay her bills.
On Monday morning, when I went to work, I saw her sitting at her desk. I passed by, and said: "I have something for you. Do you have five minutes? When she said "yes", I pulled a chair over and sat next to her. She paid close attention as I was explaining how I had attended the most wonderful Mother's Day service I have ever been a part of. Then, I gave her my key necklace and said: "I know that you are afraid, but you need to know that you will be O.K. "
My key necklace is the LOVE necklace. God is LOVE. I told her that everything will be O.K. because LOVE conquers ALL.
She cried, we embraced, and she said: "Oh, Janette....the face that you thought of me on Mother's Day is so special! You and I will be friends forever."
So...I want to thank God and Willow Creek Community Church for this gift. This amazing feeling that I felt was a gift. I passed forward the gift of LOVE to someone who needed to know that God loves her, God is LOVE,l and LOVE conquers ALL, even the troubled waters we sometimes have to navigate through.
Thank you, God, because I know that you will take care of my friend. <3