The Traveling Giving Key


One of my best friends gave me this necklace for my birthday five years ago. That year, my house had gotten flooded, a not so great long term relationship had ended for me, I lost my job and I had also suffered a head injury and concussion. Toni thought this would be an excellent gift for my changes, and it definitely was.

I knew I had to eventually give the Love to someone else, but along with all the material and relational things I had parted with, this necklace was very precious and I couldn't imagine not wearing it. I wore it almost every day for a year after my friend gave it to me.

Then, my brother got a job on a cruise ship. He would be gone for six months and I knew, he was supposed to carry it. After all, he is a best friend too. I took him to the airport and handed it to him as he was exiting the car. He put it around his neck and I waved goodbye. He wore it all over the Caribbean, singing in small venues on the ship and working long hours. I'll never know ALL of where it traveled, but the places include: Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Belize, Mexico, Key West, the Bahamas, and Roatan Honduras. He brought it back to me six months later.

I've worn it since then, but I knew my parting with this key needed to be more permanent. After all, we are supposed to show Love and Compassion and its intention in my life was just that. I got compliments and queries about it while wearing it at work, my friends would ask me about it, and it was always a good conversation starter.

So, in the winter of 2014, four years after receiving the key, a wonderous lady named Storey came into my life. We worked together and I immediately knew she would be the next carrier of the key. She announced she was moving back to her hometown in California shortly after we met, and I am now sitting at the coffee shop next door to where we will work our last shift together, and I know she will feel all the love in this special necklace, and eventually pass it on to someone else who needs it.

Key Love 120

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