"She Knew My Fragile Heart Needed Reassurance"

I met Darlene in September. She was introduced to me by a former client and needed my help selling her house. I had been down on my profession. I had recently been severely betrayed and used by someone who was a client and I really thought was a good friend. Prior to that I was falsely accused of something by another in my field. Although I had extensive documentation to prove my innocence, the process to be exonerated was a year long and extremely costly. I was finally completely exonerated, but exhausted and disheartened at the cruelty of another to do that to me. I had lost faith in my profession.

Then Darlene came along. I connected with her instantly. I tried to keep it professional, since I have some serious emotional block walls around me now. It was no use. She was too sweet. Too kind. Too perceptive. It was as if she knew my fragile heart needed reassurance. I sold her house and helped her find her dream home for her and her husband. Since I do interior design on the side, she asked me if I would be her designer for the new house. I hesitated, and came up with an excuse of why I shouldn't. She wouldn't have it. Day by day, week by week, she has broken down those emotional walls. She has made me realize there ARE wonderful people out there. People that care - people that listen. People that know you have value both as a professional and as a friend. Darlene and I are both religious, and are sure God brought us together. But when I give her this necklace of "faith" it means more than our faith in God. It carries with it a new faith that I have in friendship and trust. I have come to realize that the incidents that took place, while they were heartbreaking, were purposeful, and led me to where I am today. Darlene is a part of that.

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