A Weekend To Inspire

At the end of every semester at Bemidji State University the seniors of the Design Technology Department present their portfolios to the public. There are reviewers from the Design Technology Advisory Board there that work in the creative industry from all over Minnesota and the rest of the U.S. that come and review students presentations/portfolio and give advice. From the moment you step into Bridgeman Hall and take your first design class you are working towards that moment during your senior year where you are dressed in business attire giving your professional presentation of your work. It is the most important part of the program. The professors are amazing and are super supportive while still making sure you do your best.

I presented my portfolio exactly a year ago from this past Friday. It was the most nerve racking thing I EVER have had to do. The whole week before, it was 14 hour days working away trying to make sure everything was perfect. I had 3 reviewers sitting in from of me with pens and review sheets just staring at me. Apart from them, I had 25-30 of my peers, family, friends all watching. My presentation went really well and I got a great review.

I know how terrifying it is to work up to that moment and how you want everything to be perfect. My best friend and design buddy presented his portfolio this weekend. He is a great designer and very talented. The night before he presented I gave him my “inspire” key as a bit of inspiration and reassurance that he would do fantastic the next day. And guess what?! He did amazing! His review went really well and I am super proud of him! He has a great future ahead of him. We have always been a support system for each other and I’m glad I got to see him in his shining moment.

To see his work visit: http://marlonamaro.carbonmade.com/



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