She is Loved

I am a teacher and a Young Life leader in Dallas, Texas. I purchased my giving keys hoping to connect and share the gospel with my students. I've been praying about who to share my key with, that the Lord would make it apparent to me and use it in a way that would comfort and bring peace.

I teach 8th grade speech, and I just started a new semester so I have all brand new students. One of my students has been absent most of the semester while her mother has been ill with Cancer, so I am still getting to know her and her story. On Friday the student came up to me asking if I could help her write a speech. I told her, "of course! That's what we do in here!" She then went on to tell me that it was for her mother's funeral, that she would be giving the Eulogy. Being a teacher there are rare moments like these, that are hard to get through, but you know that the Lord is using you in a way that you can't even imagine. I always pray that when these moments happen that He gives me the words to speak and that He uses me to love the person. 

I helped her with the Eulogy and attended the funeral on Saturday. I was so proud of how she was able to get up and share with everyone and celebrate her mother's life. Such a brave 14 year old girl, I don't know if I would have been able to get through it.

Today at school I gave her the Giving Key that said "Loved". I have been praying that she will know in her heart that she was loved dearly by her mother, that she is loved by me and most importantly that she is loved by her Heavenly Father. I wrote her a note with the key and gave it to her after class. I know that the Lord has put her in my class for a reason, so I am trying to be intentional with our time together. I'm thankful for the Giving Keys, that they are a way to reach out and connect and to share hope with others.

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