Helping Make a Change

I have had a total of two keys so far, my most recent one, Strength, I got a little over a month. I purchased this key during a time where I felt I needed the message the most, and thinking I would need to hold onto this key for awhile so I could be reminded everyday of it. But I was wrong. Today, at my school we held an inspirational speaker assembly where we had Mike Smith come talk to the students. Mike in short, is a guy who had changed his life around to help others, especially young teenagers as well as the homeless as well as encouraging others to do so also. He has devoted himself to two non-profits, one being a skatepark and youth center called The Bay and the other being Skate for Change, where he goes around and helps the homeless and supplies them with what they need (mostly socks). After hearing Mike Smith talk to our school and getting the chance to hang out with him, I felt it to be appropriate to give him my Strength key. Not because I thought he deserved it but for him to have the opportunity to give it someone who is in more need of it than I am. My hope is to let people know that they have the strength to get through anything, no matter how strong the current may be. 
Thanks again Mike Smith for inspiring me! (@MikeSmithLive)

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