A Woman of Inspiration

This story is about the most amazing mother out there. She truly is an inspiration to us all! Not only is she my sister in law but she is also the sweetest friend I know! She is always putting others first no matter the circumstances. The Key I chose to give her is INSPIRE. She inspires me everyday to be a better friend, mom, sister, wife, and much more. I have learned so much from Leslie Isonhart over the last 5 years. She has taught me the values of family. How to react to things in life that have been hurtful or harmful to the soul. This women is truly amazing! I am honored to call her my friend. Leslie is a mother of three beautiful girls, all two years apart in age. Leslie is an amazing hair stylist who makes people feel good about them selves everyday. Leslie is an amazing wife. Above all this she is a wonderful daughter and sister and friend! Rarely will you find Leslie in a bad mood or upset or even negative about any situation, even if it totally calls for it! How she does it, I have no clue. Three days ago Leslie's father passed away.. Very unexpected! She still manages to take the time to care for her family and help others in their grieving.. Even in the midst of her own grieving this lady is helping others.. At the salon catering to others needs. She truly inspires me everyday to be a better person, a better wife, a better friend, a better sister and better daughter. I love her so much!

Thanks Leslie Isonhart for all that you do and all that you are! Xoxo


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