"We Can All Be Fearless!"

I was given the key "FEARLESS" after my good friend Annie and I had finished small group. I was getting ready to go away on a trip across the country by myself, and I was fearing everything...getting there alone, knowing no one, being bold and sharing my faith for Jesus, even death in traveling by air. This bracelet gave me such peace. I can fear-less with God by my side... YES!

While on my "feared" trip across the country, I met a mom about the same age as me. We were attending the same writers retreat. We both were married with 2 children, each of us having a son with Down Syndrome, and sharing a love for God. Rachel has since become a great friend! The whole retreat Rachel was fearful of just finding out that her son Hudson, would be having open heart surgery in the next 2 weeks. My son Lincoln, just celebrated his one year anniversary of a similar open heart surgery. I felt God's prompting to start thinking about giving Rachel my "FEARLESS" bracelet. I confirmed God's prompting after each of us had to do a writing exercise. We had to choose an emotion and write a letter to it, either embracing or letting the emotion go. Some women shared their letters but Rachel didn't. Later the next evening, Rachel and I sat down to talk. I told her about my letter and she told me how she had written to fear. It was like I already knew what she was going to say. THAT was my confirmation from God, to hand over the "FEARLESS" bracelet to her.

Hudson's surgery is in 3 days and I know everything is going to go smoothly. God's got this, because with him, we can all be fearless!

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