Bend in the Road

In 2015, my sister and I were both diagnosed with breast cancer. At the present time we are both still undergoing treatment. We are the first in our families to ever have cancer. While we never imagined that this is something we would share, this is where we are. My sister is and always has been more than a sister, she is my friend. I gave her one of the Giving Keys bracelets this year for her birthday. She has shown so much courage throughout this bend in the road that we are traveling and I am so proud of her and blessed that we are sisters.  
We are both looking forward to being done with treatment and getting on with life. We both have fantastic supportive families.  

My husband and I have given Giving Keys bracelets to both of our daughters in 2014. Both girls mean the world to us and both in their own way have shown STRENGTH and COURAGE beyond their years. They have been such a support to both my husband and myself this year. We have fantastic daughters and we love them both so much.
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