There is Confidence in Believing Again

I have suffered with anxiety and depression on and off, but at the end of my freshman year of college it became unbearable. I was a shadow of the upbeat, positive, and incredibly social girl I used to be. My family saw the change in me before I saw it myself, as I was constantly home, irritable, crying, and wanted to be alone. I had told them about the Giving Keys in passing, and was genuinely happy when I received both a "love" and "believe" key on my birthday in the middle of the summer. 

I wore them interchangeably all the time, and constantly told people what the message was. I wore them when I began treatment, and when my sophomore year started I was starting to smile again. I found my confidence, I found friends who loved me, and I started to be back on a track I liked. Then I found out one of my closest uncles had been diagnosed with cancer and was going to need surgery. I knew I was on a better path and it hurt me to see how much he was struggling with the journey ahead of him. I gave him my "BELIEVE" key on my next visit. He went through treatment successfully and credits that to the key (:


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    Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

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    Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

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