Live This Day

On October 21st, 2013 life changed. I was diagnosed with stage III Breast cancer. I was a 36 year old mother of two beautiful boys. A 2 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old. Along with my wonderful husband they were and still are my everything. Hearing the words "you have cancer" is not something I ever imagined I would hear. I was healthy and living the life I had always hoped for. This change was not an easy one, but the day I heard those words I promised myself that Cancer would not define me. It would make me stronger, make me a better mother and a better wife. It would help me see the little things. It would help me "live this day". I was given the The Giving Key STRENGTH for Christmas from my sister-in-law. I've worn it every day since. Seeing that word each day helped me put one foot in front of the other and I am now on the other side of this horrible disease. I am now 20 months cancer free and living life every day to the fullest.
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