His Immeasurable Love

In December of 2013 after several doctor's appointments and a biopsy my doctor's diagnosis was adenocarcinoma, Stage IV. Shocked is the most appropriate word. I was not a smoker, and lung cancer was not even on my radar.

Immediately I claimed God's hand in my healing and demanded that my family do the same. We had a prayer time at my home and people gathered to pray for me, lay hands on me, anoint me with oil, and claim healing for me through our reliance on God and whatever medical treatment He desired for me. My husband and I traveled to MD Anderson for further testing and a treatment plan. I was able to take an oral therapy specifically designed for this type of cancer. This treatment was effective for over a year, paired with radiation.

I received the Faith bracelet during this time from a friend who had received this bracelet from another friend. This bracelet was just one more reminder of Who is in control, and that our Faith in our Father is key to living a full life. He is the only reason I am here today. My Faith and knowledge of the Father's love has grown tremendously throughout this journey.

Although the doctors will not say remission, I am getting close. My treatment changed this past summer when my numbers started to climb, but this particular treatment plan has been effective and my current PET scan showed no active growth. I am currently on maintenance chemo and will continue that indefinitely.

It is through Faith that I have been able to get up everyday and continue to teach, through Faith I have been able to continue to take treatments that are not easy, through Faith I am alive to see my daughter learn to drive, my son get married, and to continue to spread God's faithfulness and love to all who will listen.

I passed the key along yesterday to a dear friend who due to the multiple infidelities of her husband is in the middle of a nasty divorce. My hope for her is that through Faith she will grow closer to our Father, and experience His immeasurable love for her.

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