Ali Levine x The Giving Keys: #GiftsThatGiveBack

Ali Levine x The Giving Keys: #GiftsThatGiveBack
What inspires you to give? 
Giving gives me personally such a good feeling in my heart. I immediately feel warm and tingly inside. Seeing how others appreciate it, no matter how big or small, is the best feeling too. Their face lighting up, the genuine excitement! It’s just such a good feeling especially during the holidays! 
What words of encouragement do you want to give others this holiday season?
You’re never alone. You can always be more than you think you are. You are loved and worthy. 
What word is on your key? What does it mean to you?
I have Create on mine, and it reminds me literally anything can be created. It reminds me to create as well, and to continue to write my own story and create the life I want. I also have one that says Love and it reminds me that at the end of the day, we all want love. So spread love as much as you can. Even in the simplest forms. A smile, a wave, a hug. It’s all forms of love.  
Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on.
I plan to pass it on when I feel someone I come across really needs it. I did recently pass one I received in my bekind by Ellen DeGeneres amazing box where The Giving Keys was featured! I let him know why I love their jewelry, how it speaks to me, and why it’s special to have a piece. 
Why do you want to help end homelessness this holiday?
It’s so important for those that want help to be able to get help; for those that want to be rehabilitated, find work, and have opportunities, that we help them with that, even if they feel hopeless themselves. Especially during the holidays - it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year!
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