And In That Moment, She Was Loved

About two years ago, I was involved in a terrible car accident. It was a normal day on my way to work when suddenly my car began to hydroplane and spin out of control, eventually flipping and landing upside down.

In the moments of the spinning, the song I had playing on my pandora was the song "Good Father," and in the moment of not having any control of my circumstances, I felt the real love of my Father holding me steady in my seat. Some would say it's a complete miracle I walked away with no injuries, but I called an divine opportunity to know God's love for me deeper than I ever could imagine, and to be able to freely share of His GOODNESS to those that needed to know.

Whenever I get a key, I'm always in tune to hearing if I should keep it or if it's time to let it go. It's hard, but I knew I needed to embrace the new season that God was allowing me to walk in, which was knowing His GOODNESS, and that His GOODNESS is not just a season, but for all of our lives.  

Recently, I had the opportunity to go out of state to a wedding with a friend. My friend missed her flight, and I was on my own traveling on a red-eye, going to a new place I had never been before. The next day, I went to breakfast at the boutique hotel I was staying at and a couple asked to sit with me. We got to talking, and saw that it was no coincidence that God had us meet. We shared time and stories of encouragement, seasons of being brave, and seasons of tremendous prayer to seek the miraculous healing needed to continue the work the Lord had called us to.

At one point, the woman across from me shared how she had survived breast cancer twice, and that the second time she had it, it was Stage 3 and doubling every 10 days. I could feel her gratitude and the grace that covered her, and felt God say, it's time to share His GOODNESS. I gave her the key to remind her He is good all the time, and in that moment, she was loved.


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