Angels Watching Over

6 1/2 years ago I met the love of my life. But the timing was not right. 7 months ago it had almost been one full year of us dating. 4/9/2016 I was on the phone with Ian for the last time.

I lived in San Diego and he lived in Maui. That night while we were on the phone he started having an asthma attack, I could still hear him speaking but he started coughing a little more. My last words that I got to say were, "I guess I better let you go." Seconds after we hung up he was gone, only 53 years old.

The summer before I had been raped and June 2016 I had to face the trial of the rapist. Ian was the pilar that kept me going, he was my strength, my faith. The absolute light of my life. He never let my chin drop. I wanted one thing when that trial ended and that was to hug him again. I never got the chance. Every day of my life is hard. My mom got me a key, it was supposed to say breathe for Ian. It says "for Ian", I wear it all the time.

I've purchased 4 keys from the company because I am a homeless volunteer and my heart supports this company. I had my 42nd birthday yesterday. It was 7 months that Ian had been gone and the last time I saw him was one year ago, a very had day for me.

I recently began dating again and I met Mike. He lost the love of his life, his high school sweetheart, June 2016. She drank herself to death after losing her son to drugs and alcohol 2 years ago. That was Mikes adopted son whom he also raised. He is left with 2 daughters.

I ordered a key today for Mike that says for Janet. Only I know how much it will mean to him, as Ian's key means to me. I could fall in love with Mike, I am only a couple months ahead of my grief than he is. But he still has a lot of healing to do. I feel like God and Ian and Janet brought us together to go through this difficult time together. I do believe we have angels watching over us.

I am sending the key to his work, he has no idea. I hope he loves it in memory of Janet Davis and Ian Haight may they RIP.


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