Hope Abounds

My daughter Michal was killed by a pit bull. She bled to death. I was devestated. Nine months later my husband insisted I go to his high school reunion. I had gained a lot of weight so I went to a local botique to buy clothes. The sales lady asked what was bothering me. I said I did not want to talk about it. She said well if it is your size women are beautiful no matter their size. I burst into tears. I told her what had happened. She came around the counter and hugged me. Then she told me she was going to her cousins wake that evening. She asked what she should tell her cousins mother. I took off my giving key and handed it to her. I said give her this key and let her know hope abounds. Next I went to the store where I purchased my key and bought one that read STRENGTH. I mailed it to my other daughter, with a note that read "may you always have the strength to get through what life hands you." I took that message to heart when a year later my husband woke me to tell me my son was found dead in his house. The autopsy report showed he had a tear where the stomach and intestine met, so he bled out. Two of my children had bled to death within two years! I went to grief therapy. Now I let people know that talking about what happened helps. I had volunteered for years for MADD. Never realizing the victims of Drunk Drivers PAIN! Now I know what true sorrow is.


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