Let Go Of My Past

I never throw the word abuse around. It has always been a taboo subject for me to touch.

However, throughout high school I was in relationship that I did not know how to get out of. We spent every day together and he made me feel like he was the only one who would ever love me and I believed him. So when things got worse, I felt I had no escape.

On February 6th, 2016 I took an entire bottle of antidepressants. Long story short I went through a month in the hospital and I'm still in therapy. In the beginning of the same summer I began to date my best friend. He was amazing to me treated me well and made me feel like I could be loved in a healthy situation.

However I found out that he cheated on me and that was the end. I was torn apart. I truly didn't believe healthy love would find me. I was still haunted by the boy who abused me and this recent incident did not make anything better.

But then one day my mom brought me home a small key necklace that read 'LET GO'. It helped me see that in order for me to ever find my happiness again, I needed to let go of the things and people that hurt me and live for myself, not anyone else. Every day when I become sad I clutch my necklace and remember to let go of my past.

I will continue to live and let go. And live.


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