No Greater Feeling

I was given the Strength key from a friend when I was down and out. I always wore it everywhere I went.

My grandmother had taken me to the grocery store to buy me a few things because finances have been tight. The lady checking us out expressed to me how lucky I was to have such an awesome grandma. I agreed. She proceeded to say how she would give anything to have her parents alive to call for advice on life and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

I took the groceries to my car and parted ways with my grandmother. I sat in my car for a few moments thinking. I felt it in my heart that this was the person I was supposed to give my key to. I went back in and gave her my key, explaining what The Giving Keys was all about. She starting crying and gave me a huge hug and told me how that was the most touching thing she has received in a long time.

It felt so good to be able to make someone's day like that and I realized in that moment giving away the key was better than receiving it. When you do something nice for someone and spread love like that there is no greater feeling. I can't wait to have the opportunity to do that again.

I have an Inspire key given to me by my mom and I am looking forward to the person I find that needs that key. 


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