One Breath At A Time

I met my friend while rehearsing for a cabaret show. Over the course of several weeks working closely with her, she divulged her struggles and the anxiety that she was suffering. I originally bought two Breathe Giving Key necklaces. One for myself and one for my sister. We've both struggled with being overwhelmed by anxiety and live life remembering to take one breath at a time. When this friend told me of her struggles, I immediately saw a worthy candidate for the key. But was I ready to pay-it-forward? I looked inwards and knew the sheer act of giving the key to someone I knew needed the message would give me strength. She posted a message about the Key on Facebook months after. I had no idea it had spoken to her as much as it did me.


  • Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word KIND My Story I work at Starbucks & we were selling these & I REALLY wish we did again & I purchased...

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  • Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

    Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

    I have Received a Giving Key With the word LOVE My Story I received my first key April 2016. The word was 'love'. My friend gave it to me after...

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