Patience Each Day

Patience is a simple word that everyone can use a lot more of. I have the best daughter-in-law in the world, Andrea. My son started dating her in junior high school and he proposed to her the day he graduated from college. They got married and have been laughing and in love since junior high school. They went through in-vitro and have a beautiful three year-old boy. Her mother died before she had the chance to see her new grandson, then her father died before he turned three years old. Needless to say, Andrea has had been very strong through all of these trials. But, being the only female in her family, she is constantly being tested by both her husband (my son) and her son ( my grandson ). Her husband travels a lot with his job. Harrison, the three year old, turns into a typical three year, and pushes all of his Mommy's buttons at once! Patience is the word that she needs for her to just to survive his temper tantrums. When her husband does come home, Harrison turns back into the angel, and he follows his directions. When her husband is at home and Andrea tries to put Harrison to bed, he will not cooperate and wants his Daddy. So being a single mother is hard! Then adjusting to coparenting on the weekend is another shocker. So that is why I gave her the Giving Key with the word Patience on it. I felt that when she was at the end of her rope, she could rub the key, take a breath and move forward. Everyone can use a time out period in their life when they can regroup. Patience is a word which we all can improve on.

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