She Was Now The Strong One

Last year, I went on a mission trip to Cambodia to work with women and children affected by human trafficking. Before going on the trip, my husband gave me a STRENGTH key. I wore it everyday over there.

One day, we were working with a ministry that educates girls that work in the garment factories. They are high risk for trafficking. One of the girls teaching English had herself been rescued and now was giving back. She commented on my necklace and how Peter from the bible used his STRENGTH to witness about Christ.

After talking to her, I felt the Lord come over me and tell me to give her my key, so I did! I took my key off and put around her neck and told her she now was the strong one, the one who would be Peter here in Cambodia. Her eyes lit us and she was very grateful! I wish I would have been able to keep in touch with her, but I have no doubt she is strong and pushing on!


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