Someone Who Needed Love

I purchased my Giving Key in Riverside, CA while volunteering for a Bethel Worship Night. I thought about ordering online, but really wanted to encounter the people working for the company. I chose one that said Grace and then I had the girl choose one for me, she chose Love. Both those words were 2 things I was just desperate for after losing my 26 year old husband of 4 years and trecking life with our 2 small sons on my own.

Then recently a young woman who was pregnant and also had a son the same age as my youngest, began attending our church. We have a small community so anyone near my age I immediately pounce on haha! After a few months of attending Sundays and coming for Women's Bible studies and getting familiar with everyone, her boyfriend began attending as well. Her little family was so happy to be together and being together in the church. Sadly, there was darkness in their family, the boyfriend was physically and verbally abusive. Were not sure how long this had been going on for and it was hidden very well. But now I am ecstatic to say that her and her son were able to escape that torment. 

With little money and a few personal items, they escaped to her family thousands of miles away. Before she parted I gave her my Love key, I prayed for the perfect person that I could give it to. Someone who needed Love in such a desperate way. Not a humanly love, but a love that only God can give. I hope I get to hear from her soon and she is due to have her little girl anytime.


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