My man-of-few-words husband surprised me with the Class Key Necklace INSPIRE in Antique Gold. With it he wrote: 

To my Dearest Wife - 

I chose INSPIRE for may different reasons. The word can be used in many different ways and I think that you do them all well. You INSPIRE everyone around you every day and probably don't realize it. You are the best mother and wife I have ever seen. You INSPIRE me to work harder, have patience and strive to be the best father I can be. You always set the bar high for our son and you are the reason that he thrives.

You are an amazing motivator and you INSPIRE the best from everyone you contact. This year at work you INSPIRED confidence in those above and below you, as you all worked through the struggles of becoming your own center. You boss sees the abilities that you have to lead and direct those in the work place. Our son seeks your guidance and influence every single day and you never disappoint. I love you so much and love that you INSPIRE feelings in me. 

Love, Your Forever Husband


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