Time for Victories, Time for Breakthroughs

I got my key only a few weeks ago.

The Lord is been taking me to a place of complete freedom so my key (Fearless) was a declaration that nothing was holding me back from my destiny.

I had it with me every day, and I won a lot of battles with my key next to my heart knowing that with God all things are possible and victory was mine.

Last night during a woman's conference, Papa God started to move.

We prayed for girls with eating disorders and then finally for girls that had battled with suicide.

One of the speakers said, "If you have struggled with suicide before please raise your hand because that will end tonight, you are on your path to freedom."

Freedom is my new passion and I will pursue that every day.

Suddenly the girl next to me raised her hand so I prayed for her a long time until I felt that every single thought was gone.

Right after that I heard Jesus saying, "Give her the key."

Oh what a hard time I had... I was telling Papa God, " You know, I can always order one for her." But he said, "No, the one you have carries all the breakthroughs and victories, and it's time to share that with her."

I hugged her and with tears in my eyes took my necklace off and said to her, "it's your time to be fearless, it's your time to have all the breakthroughs, it's your time to win all the victories."

Immediately she started crying and I really believe that Jesus touched her heart with this.

I still feel that I need to conquer many more battles with a fearless spirit, knowing that the victory is always mine.
What amazes me the most and makes me really happy is that Jesus trusted me to give away all my conquered battles.

This is not just a key, is a declaration of what God is doing in our lives.



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