Having "Strength" Every Single Day

I had two keys, one with the word "Faith" on it. I gave this key away to my boyfriend a couple of years ago when we broke up. I'd made some bad decisions and gave him the key to give him a bit of extra faith in me that I could sort things out for him. We got back together and he then returned the key when we went through a rough patch with the same intention for the word, and I've kept it since. I haven't gone a day without wearing it for over a year now.

The second key I bought about a year ago. It had the word "Strength" written on it. About 6 months ago, my best friend's mum (who is like a second mum to me) was diagnosed with 4 cancerous tumors. In August of 2013, she had an operation to remove one in her spine which was successful, but she still had three more... three which were deemed to end her life.

Just before I left for University I gave her my "Strength" key with a note telling her about The Giving Keys and explaining that I wanted to find a way to give her some extra strength to cope with all the chemo and medications that were being thrown at her.

A week ago I got a phone call from her saying that she'd been for a checkup. She told me that all three tumors had shrunk and she fully believes it's the necklace that has helped. She has worn it every single day since I gave it to her, and she cannot thank me enough.

So thank you. Because I believe that that key did actually give her a bit of extra strength and things are looking up, I've just ordered another key with the word "Trust." Thank you so so much. :)



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