A Normal Life

I have a best friend whose daughter, Shari, is inspiration for many.

She has endured many health issues since grade school, but went on to excel in the classroom, in college and now graduated to become a teacher of children (she loves children).

She spent about 5 years teaching, and even though she was usually ill she pushed herself, lying down for a quick rest during recesses and lunch breaks. Those short years of doing what she loved came to an end as her body continued to give her days and even weeks of being in bed. She suffers from acid reflux, heart issues, bladder stimulator, thyroid, Addisons disease,ulcers, Gastroparesis, Seizures, and many other issues, the latest being depression.

She is 38 and has never had a normal life.

She never had children, but six years ago she bought a Shar-Pei to give her some light in her life. Her parents always felt better knowing that Penelope (at 2 years old) knew when Shari was sick in bed and that her master needed to be watched.

Being a Teacher who loved to teach, Shari taught Penelope to do many tricks. Her first of lessons taught to the Penelope was to pray, and she soon had Penelope understanding commands in Spanish and French. As well as counting with her paws to tell you her age.

You see she had no children to teach so she spent her time and love teaching her dog.
On sunday Penelope got sick and before Shari could get her to the vet she passed away.

I can only say I knew then my Hope Giving Key had to go to Shari.

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