Getting Through A Year Of "Firsts"

Getting Through A Year Of "Firsts"

I was vacationing with my family is Arizona and had gone by myself to get my daily Starbucks when I noticed a beautiful family sitting near me.

It was Easter Sunday and there were three generations there; a married older man and woman, their 40-something year old daughter and the daughter's two children. The older gentleman might have been about 85 or so and he looked so much like my dad who had passed away several months earlier. He even moved like my dad.I saw his daughter reach over and hug him while they were waiting for their coffee and missed my dad so much.

On my way out, I went over to them to tell them what a beautiful family they had and the older man looked at me and I started to cry. I shared with them that I had lost my dad. I was so embarrassed but this family was so sweet. The daughter and her mom got up and hugged me and were so understanding.

As I was getting another coffee to go, the daughter came up to me and asked me if I had heard about the Giving Keys. She told me about the company and their story and asked if this was my first Easter without my dad. I told her it was. The Giving Key she had on said FIRST, and she gave it to me in honor of my dad.

Needless to say tears were flowing (on both sides) and I still tear up every time I think about it. I felt my dad with me that day and I feel like there was a reason I met this lovely family. 


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