The Fight Within

A few years ago I was given the gift of a Giving Key by my cousin Alicia.
I was going through some tough personal issues where the STRENGTH key was definitely a factor in my ability to push through the obstacles I was currently going through. That gift will forever be one of my most special gifts I have ever received.

One of my best friends was diagnosed with Lymphoma about a year after I have had possession of my STRENGTH KEY. At that time I felt passing along the key to her was the right thing to do considering she needed the STRENGTH to fight her battle. I am proud to say she has successfully won the fight of cancer and has been clear since 2013.

For this Mothers Day, I wanted to give the same special gift I received once upon a time
to my Mom. I also wanted to continue by passing along the same word I received, STRENGTH.

This January my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, she has already went through with a mastectomy and will now continue with chemotherapy starting next week. This has been and will continue to be a grueling process.

Since the day my Mom has found out about this diagnosis, she has kept a poker face. She holds her feelings and worries in to protect the others around her. She is the true definition of strong and selfless. Worrying more about others, even in this hard time, than she worries about herself.

These upcoming days and months will be short of easy, and I hope by giving this gift of the STRENGTH necklace she can look down at the key around her neck and be reminded of what STRENGTH she already possesses even when she questions how strong she is.

I know it may just be a word around her neck but I hope this gift helps her bring out the fight within.

My mother is a warrior, my mother is my rock, my mother is strong and my mother WILL surpass this battle. My mom is my superhero, the strongest person I know, and my best friend. 


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