Finding Your Way in Faith

I gave my key to one of my dearest friends. I met this friend when I first started college, and we both recently graduated. We definitely bring out the best in each other, and I know God put her in my life for a reason. She has been one of the biggest influences on me while at college, and I am extremely blessed to call her my friend.

As we journeyed through college, she changed her career path quite a few times ;) I think she always knew what she was being called to do, but choosing what you'll be doing for the rest of your life can be very daunting. She has recently set her mind to one career path and has applied to professional school to achieve that goal. As she enters the interview process and real life itself, I hope she has faith in His timing. I hope she realizes that she is made in God's image, and that itself makes her more beautiful and perfect than we could ever imagine. God will make happen whatever is meant to be as long as we believe and have faith in Him. She is an amazing person, and I know she will be successful in whatever she ends up doing. In addition to choosing a career, she has also been considering becoming Catholic. I hope she has the faith to make the leap to enter the church so that she can participate in the sacraments that will bring her even closer to Him! I am so proud of her for overcoming everything that she has, and I can't wait to see her rock life! Watch out world... here she comes!


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