A Future Full of Hope

Recently, my husband and I discovered we were expecting our fourth child, hooray! We also acquired the need for a new vehicle because our "old gray mare" just wasn't up to snuff anymore. Lots of memories and miles! One fateful night, poor six point buck and I collided and the need grew greater. We shopped online and on dealer pages, but nothing was feeling "right."

One day my husband was driving to town, and saw a minivan in the exact style, better priced, and with lower mileage for its age... coincidence? We think not. Apparently the seller is the son of the van's owners. They passed away within six months of each other.

The seller's wife and I got to talking and she introduced me and my three children to her son, Dylan, who is 10 years old. Dylan is a special boy. He had major health issues as a newborn, major surgery as an infant, and his life will never be the "perfect" one we parents all hope for our children. Dylan's mom shares with me her difficulty in their community to connect with other mothers and no family support, so they are moving to another state in the near future.

I felt led to get her my COURAGE key the day I paid for our new van. She was very touched by the gesture, but I am so moved by her. Having a severely disabled son, moving to a new community to begin with a fresh slate. The future is full of hope and I hope she finds it. I pray for her often and that she some day shares her key that helps her be courageous, with another.



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