Be Bold. Be Strong. Fight On.

I purchased my key a handful of months ago thinking this would be a great gift to give to someone who really needed a lift. During that time a lot of things were going on in my heart and mind. My mind would wander about things with family, things with friends, work challenges I was facing, and who would be the receiver of this key. I tucked it away at home in a dresser drawer knowing that one day I would find a good home for this key. I recently came across this key at such an incredible time. Work things were going well, family was hanging in there, but I had recently heard of some sad news of a friend. She is a dear friend I have know since I was very little (our brothers played sports together and she ran around in the same crowd as my brother growing up), the sister I never had all those years. She is kind. She is loving. She is friendly. She is caring and most importantly she is loved by so many people. I still do not know the whole story behind this news I heard, how long she had been facing this demon, but oral cancer is the battle she is facing. With a husband, three beautiful daughters at home, and a baby on the way, Morg has a lot of life to live and a lot of love to give. I sought guidance in my prayers for days before I could really put two and two together. God has a plan for her.

I decided to give my Giving Key to Morgan. As scary as all of this is, Morgan is so strong. She is a fighter and I know she will battle this cancer until it goes away! She also has such an amazing support system filled with family and friends. Morg is in the beginning battles with a terrible cancer and although this giving key may seem so minuscule and irrelevant right now, I hope and pray that years down the road the passing of this key to someone when they need it more can sooth the soul in more ways than one.

I recently purchased a book called Fight On written by M.H. Clark. This book has beautiful photos and inspiring words. Sending lots of love and prayers to my friend, Morgan as she begins this journey.

As M.H. Clark wrote:
“If you look closely, carefully, past the challenges, the turns in the road, and all the distractions, you’ll notice something: You are doing it. Right now, you are doing it. Despite all the background noise, and the challenges, and the distractions, and the doubts that tell you otherwise, you are doing it. You are creating your beautiful life. You are traveling in the right direction. Set aside your doubts. Quiet the thoughts that say you aren’t good enough, important enough, capable enough to begin. Tell them you can’t listen because today you trust yourself. Today, you believe in your heart. Today, you tell the small voice inside you’re giving it a chance. Today, Be Bold. Be Strong. Fight On.”

Much love, Morgan!




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