"Braver Than You Believe..."

This key was something most people saw and thought belonged to my dorm room, but to me it was so much more than that. I purchased the key for myself with the word STRENGTH engraved on it after going through something nobody should ever have to deal with. I held onto that word, the feeling of being strong and overcoming a battle, until one day it dawned on me that although I have yet to be completely healed, I knew I had enough strength to do so. And that was the day I wrote a letter to a dear friend of mine, slipped in the key and sent it from New York to Colorado. She was probably at her lowest point and nothing anyone would say or do was enough to get her out of that horrible place. Being so far away I felt so helpless and it was physically draining me until I realized that sending my key for strength was the least I could do. So I did and she loved it.

"You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

For my Bunny.



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